Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - 500 million (2 x 250 million) nematodes

Code: BIOP-00310
£87.90 +VAT

To Order

Code: BIOP-00310
Availability: To Order
£87.90 +VAT
Price Per Each
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Product: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Contents: 500 million (2 x 250 million) nematodes. Packaging: Small box. Target: Black Vine Weevil Larvae Notes: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora is effective against larvae and pupae and should therefore be applied in April/May and from August to the end of October when soil temperatures above 12 C during the day. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora can be applied using conventional spraying quipment, as a drench by dipping or through drip irrigation. Apply 0.5 million per m2 or 10,000 nematodes per 1 lt of substrate for container cultures. 25,000 nematodes per plant should be applied for strawberries and 30,000 for potted raspberry plants. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora needs to be used with Nemaspreader, a unique wetter which improves the application and efficacy of nematodes. Delivery of Biopol Natural products will take approximately 8 working days. Confirmation of Delivery date will be sent. Please ensure there will be someone to accept delivery so live products can be kept in the correct conditions.